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Friday, June 13, 2014

A tribute to dad: 5 lessons i've learned from my father

Ever since I was a little girl, I have frequently been asked the question, "What is it like living with a relationship expert?" Since getting married just over a year ago, this question has come up even more regularly as people have wondered what type of advice a marriage coach would give his own child. I have always felt such a special bond with my dad probably because we are so much alike. I truly feel like we understand each other. Growing up in a house with a relationship expert and humorist has opened my eyes to the hope and peace that can come from continually striving to nurture the relationships with the people you hold most dear. The following are the five greatest lessons I have learned from his example.
We are all a little jacked up: If you've ever heard my dad speak, you have probably been startled by the use of his favorite phrase, "jacked up." It doesn't matter if he is speaking to a room full of strangers on a cruise ship or across a pulpit to a church congregation; he commonly uses this brutally realistic phrase. I think that is why so many people relate to my dad’s content — it is just so real! Coming from my dad, this phrase “jacked up” refers the fact that all human beings carry around some form of extra baggage in their lives.  Whether the baggage is caused by past guilt, fears, addictions or secrets, he has taught me that "people whose hands are full of baggage have a harder time carrying the load of others." As a teenage girl experiencing typical high school drama, my dad was always quick to remind me that the issues we had as friends weren’t because people were intentionally trying to be mean but rather because we were just simply “jacked up.” He would also remind me that people that hurt other people are usually hurting themselves. Learning this from a young age has helped me to always try to give people the benefit of the doubt before choosing to be offended.
Live in the now: My dad is known for encouraging his clients to say, "I'm in!" before each relationship workshop. What this means is that you are committed to living in the now, that you are present in the moment and ready to learn. My dad is so good at living in the now. My transition to college was a hard one. I went from high school where I felt like I was a "somebody", to a university with 30,000 talented, smart and beautiful people. I would often call my dad discouraged and lost. He would lovingly point out that many of my concerns came from the fact that I was living out of the past or aspiring to create a great future.  Then he would gently urge me to "Show up in the now!"  He would remind me that "right now, in this moment, is the only time you have to offer what you can to the world. In the now is where the peace resides and where we’re closest to God."
The space between us matters most: My dad has taught me the power of relationships by sharing one of his favorite quotes by Noah benShea: "It is the silence between the notes that makes the music; it is the space between the bars that holds the tiger."  So many times in my life we become consumed in our own struggles, stresses and successes that we find ourselves taking those around us for granted. My dad would always point out that no matter how many people I have in my life, the real key to a good life is to focus on what happens in the space between myself and all of the people around me. My dad would always joke that "iron bars on the cages at the zoo are pretty important, but if the bars are spaced 10 feet apart from one another, then I would leave the zoo as quickly as possible."  The same rule is true in our lives.  If I have dozens of people in my life, and I’m not very close or connected to them, then it’s time to stop gathering friends and start connecting with them. This life isn’t easy and we need the companionship of those around us to draw on in both the good times and the bad.

Become the change: My dad has a real knack for identifying the talents and gifts in others. It is one of the things I am very most grateful for. At several stages while growing up, my dad would point out my strengths and help guide and direct me to which path I should take. Early on he recognized a passion and talent in me for writing and public speaking and even urged me to join the high school debate team. After qualifying for state in debate, my dad started joking that he regretted encouraging this talent because now he can never win an argument at home. I vividly remember when he challenged me to stop watching the rest of the world as it passed by and to develop my own talents and follow the advice of Ghandi who said: "One must become the change he seeks in the world." I am grateful that my dad, whose parents divorced when he was eight, didn’t just sit around sad because of the separation, but instead he became the relationship change he wanted to see in the world.
Finding personal peace:  The night before my wedding day we had a dinner with our closest family and friends. My husband and I still talk about how this was one of the most special parts of our whole marriage event. I distinctly remember looking out and being filled with emotion seeing that all of the people I loved most were gathered together in one room to support us. After dinner we had a program where we invited our siblings, bridal party and parents to give us their best advice. My dad closed out the night and many were wondering what advice he would give to his only daughter.  It was priceless, something that I will never forget. He started by expressing his complete love and approval for the amazing man that I had found to marry.  He then directed his attention right to me and said, "Sarah, your personal peace will never come from another person, not from your partner, not from the people around you, not from the power you possess, your popularity, prestige or profits. In the end your only sure and lasting peace will only ever come from God and his principles." From that day forward, through every challenge we have endured, we have learned that we must look to God and live, and not solely rely on each other to find peace in our lives.

BYU Universe Link:

Townsend Relationship Center: 



I love you dad, Happy Father's Day! 
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Friday, March 21, 2014


  In the 10+ months that we have been married, I think I can count on two hands the number of times I have cooked a full-on homemade dinner.
 Poor Brady. 
I guess I deserve posts like this...  

Just to clarify... 
No... I did not put canned chili in the crockpot. And no I did not have the toots. . . #bradybeingbrady. 

I will have you know that our dinner turned out pretty decent and it was simple enough that even I didn't mess it up. I thought i'd share because I think (and hope) there are other newly married/ starving college students that could use a tasty, cheap and easy recipe. We have my mother-in-law to thank for this one... 

Italian Chicken Recipe 

What you need~

4-6 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves 
2 T. butter
1/2 c. water
1 8oz. package or cream cheese (softened) 
1 packet of Italian salad dressing mix

(I spent a good 10 mins looking for this at the grocery store... so hopefully this helps)

1 10oz. can condensed cream of chicken soup (undiluted) 
1 4oz. mushroom pieces (drained) **OPTIONAL and YUCK**
Hot cooked noodles or rice. 


Place the chicken breast halves and butter in the crockpot. Combine salad dressing mix and water; pour over chicken. Cover and cook on LOW for 3 hours. 


In a small mixing bowl, whisk together softened cream cheese and cream of chicken until blended. Stir in mushrooms (or not). Pour cream cheese mixture over chicken in crockpot. Cook 1 to 3 hours longer or until chicken juices run clear. 
Serve Italian Chicken with rice or hot cooked noodles. 
Serves 4-8. 


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Monday, March 17, 2014

Co-Workers and Lovers

Ever wonder what it would be like to be a co-worker to your lover? 

Not just working for the same company but actually working at the same desk, on the same projects with the same deadlines... day in and day out. At the time, I don't think we would have recommended the whole working together thing but looking back, we both agree those were days we will always remember fondly. 

Winter semester 2013 brought about a lot of fun and exciting change. Brady and I had just recently gotten engaged and were frantically looking for work or internship opportunities. With no other promising interests, I enrolled in the prerequisite communications classes at BYU but had no idea what major I wanted to pursue. During one of those classes, we were given an extra credit opportunity to attend a seminar and write up a paper about what we learned. Realizing I could use the extra points, I very last minute decided to attend the seminar... I will forever be grateful for that decision.

The seminar highlighted a man who started a public relations firm in Manhattan, New York more than 30 years ago and since then has turned his business into a prominent name in the public relations field. During his seminar he mentioned that his firm has offered BYU students internships over the years in their different offices and to come talk to him after if anyone was interested. At the end of the speech, a line 20+ people long formed and I left a little discouraged.

 I didn't think much else about the seminar until a little over a month later while I was playing the piano at the Roof Restaurant and I coincidently ran into him- the speaker from the seminar. When he walked in I immediately recognized him and leaned over the piano to introduce myself. I told him I had been at his BYU forum and was interested to learn more about public relations. Later in the night, he requested the song, "New York, New York." After I played it for him he asked a little more about my situation and asked if Brady and I would meet in him in his Salt Lake office the next morning... 

The next day Brady and I skipped school and less than an hour into our meeting with the CEO were offered two full-time internships in his Salt Lake office. We were so thankful, the opportunity felt too good to be true. It truly was an answer to our prayers. 

I'd be lying if I said the months that followed were all such a dream. We started the internship the day after we returned home from our honeymoon and worked 9-6 EVERYDAY through the summer months.  

It will forever be known as the summer of pasty white skin. 

As a newly married couple, still getting used to being together it wasn't always easy. Our "newlywed" stage was definitely different than I had imagined it. Living in Salt Lake and working together taught us a lot about ourselves and each other. 

Most days were very ordinary. . . 

But on the rare occasion that your boss calls with 3 hours notice and tells you are needed in the Manhattan office. . .
You happily comply...

 First glimpse of the Big Apple!

We took a Red Eye and went straight to the office to work a 10 hour day. . .we were feeling a little sleepy but couldn't fight our urge to explore! 

On the set of Good Morning America

Segment Prep

Soaking it all up!

More exploring. . . 

Staten Island Ferry

Lady Liberty 


Manhattan, New York ~ LDS Temple

Times Square

Please don't let the above photos fool you, this is by far a better representation of our average work day... 

                                          Cheers to the early mornings and late nights, to the good times and occasional fights. 
 If you ever get the chance to work with your lover, do it. It's worth it. 

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Cheers to love... and to publicly displaying affection on church property for two straight hours. So thankful for my soon-to-be cousin at the time, who somehow made the whole thing fun and enjoyable. Azure B Photography by Brienne Poole- she rocks.To see more of her work click here

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hey There~

One of my main life goals has always been to keep a personal journal. I have gone through spurts of consistency... but since getting married haven't taken the time to document our experiences as often as I would have liked. Blogging to keep record of life has been something I have wanted to do for years. To be honest, i've had this blog designed (by the beautiful and talented Hailey Peterson) and ready to go since last summer but have always found an excuse not to get started. Besides the fact that I am technologically impaired, I think I have been super intimidated by the MANY other interesting and popular blogs circling the web. BUT- I think I am finally ready to dive in. Despite a busy schedule, I am determined to keep this account of our life together- the good, the bad and everything in-between. Here's to the good life!

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