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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hey There~

One of my main life goals has always been to keep a personal journal. I have gone through spurts of consistency... but since getting married haven't taken the time to document our experiences as often as I would have liked. Blogging to keep record of life has been something I have wanted to do for years. To be honest, i've had this blog designed (by the beautiful and talented Hailey Peterson) and ready to go since last summer but have always found an excuse not to get started. Besides the fact that I am technologically impaired, I think I have been super intimidated by the MANY other interesting and popular blogs circling the web. BUT- I think I am finally ready to dive in. Despite a busy schedule, I am determined to keep this account of our life together- the good, the bad and everything in-between. Here's to the good life!

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1 comment:

  1. Yay!! So glad you started! Ha i agree it can be intimidating.. there are some blogging pro's out there! But I have just learned not to compare my blog to others haha.. I can't wait to read yours!! P.s. I miss you guys!!!
