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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Month Four

Four Months
Muffin, Clairece, Clairenabumba, Clairbunmba, Pumpkin Pie, Cyaire, Claire Bears. 

14.8 (70%)

25.5 (88%) 

Diaper Size: 

We are still in size one diapers but verging on size two. We tried a size two earlier this week when we went out for Valentines to Asian star with Courtney and Ammon (who are expecting a little girl in August!!) and she had a blow out up the back. They were still just a little too big.

 Clothes Size: 
3-6 months Claire has officially grown out of most of her 0-3 month clothes. It has been so sad to fold up many of the darling out fits I have and put them away. The clothes all still fit in the body they are all just two short! She is a really long baby! Luckily I have some cute outfits in bigger sizes. It is always fun to pull out some new things and have an excuse to go shopping!


We feel so blessed that Claire has been healthy and strong. I have to admit I have been a little paranoid with the cold weather and with it being RSV season. I've turned into the crazy "have you washed your hands?" type. Oh well. I can't imagine how miserable and sad it would be for both of us if she did get sick. At her two week appointment a few weeks ago she had to get the routine heel prick and the nurse kept commenting on how strong Claire is. She said that she has done more than a thousand tests and she thought Claire was one of the strongest babies she had ever seen! Claire holds her head up like a champ and has from the very beginning. We have to be really careful when we stand up because she has a tendency to whip it around. 

Sleeping through the night definitely isn't one of our strengths. Claire is still waking up about 3 times every night. Usually I will just nurse her for a couple minutes and she will fall back asleep and go down pretty easy.

Right now Claire is breastfeeding half the time and taking a bottle the other half. She takes a bottle really well. Many have commented that she is easy going because she really doesn't care if it is warm or cold. She hates being covered when breast feeding because she is so dang social! It is actually pretty cute. I hope I can keep up the breastfeeding because I slowly am starting to feel I am losing my supply during the day. It is still really strong at night.

 Things I don't want to forget: 

First Laugh:
On February 2nd, late at night before bed, Brady and I had Claire on our bed and Brady was being silly with her sticking out his tongue and making funny noises. Claire started her first hard belly laugh. I was so glad to have caught it on camera! 
Click here to watch the video!

Many laughs to follow. . . 

This year I was so excited to have a my fun little Valentine to celebrate with! A cute neighbor gave Claire some new clothes with hearts so she was all decked out! We had a fun time going to my dad's date night the night before and actual Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday. It was actually the day of uncle Tanner's farewell. We had a fun time showing you off to people that came over for his little get together. You also rolled over for your very first time later that night! 
My little Valentine!

My Dress: 
My mom saved one of her favorite dresses from when I was a baby. She gave it to me and I was so excited to put Claire in it! I hope to save this dress for Claire to show her future kids one day too!


Claire got to go on her very first vacation to Disneyland! I was worried about the flights (yes, I realize it was only just over an hour) because I knew it would either be really good or really hard and unfortunately the flight over, she was really fussy but it was so much better coming home. There was actually an extra seat so we could lay her down and she just slept the whole time. It made me a little more apprehensive about traveling in the future with little ones in tow. 

Once in California, we had the best time enjoying the warm weather. It was really Claire's first time enjoying the outdoors. We even had her in short sleeves and sun dresses. She got to go on a few basic rides at the theme parks like the Little Mermaid! She loved looking at the colors and all the other fun things to see. Bryce and Jodie were so nice to take her during much of the days so we could go through the theme parks baby free. I would just stop back in at the hotel every couple hours to nurse her or pump. She also had her first little taste of ice cream while here. We let her trie our dole whip but she really didn't seem to like it very much. We also let her try a tiny taste of a shake and she loved it. I'm afraid we've ruined her! :) Poor Jenna and Jessa had to share a room with us. Claire was getting up every couple hours to nurse. While at the hotel we got to take Claire swimming for her very first time. It was so fun to put her in her cute little swimsuit. She loved the water! I'm sure we will do a lot more swimming with this little one. In California we also had the fun opportunity to go to the cemetery where both of Jodie's (my mother-in-laws) parents are buried. The cemetery, just outside of LA, was so gorgeous. It was so fun to be outside with little Claire.

Little Mermaid Ride

First Swim!

Elder Townsend: 
My brother Tanner has always been one of my great friends. We have so much in common, especially our music. Right before he left on his mission we were doing a lot together because he was home a lot of the time. He was called to the Independence, Missouri mission and left on February 17th. We will miss him so much but are so proud of the decision he has made. He loves Claire so much and gave her the funny nickname, Clairenabumbas. He loved having Claire come over and play. He is sad that Claire won't remember him as she was only a couple months old when he left and will be walking, talking and more when he comes home in two short years! 

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