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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Month Two

2 Months

Sissy, Care, Care Bear, Clareece, Claireeeey, Clairey Merry, Pumpkin Pie

12.9 (85%)

23.75 (90%)

Diaper Size: 1 

Clothes Size: 0-3 months 
The sleeves and length of many outfits are getting way too short. Claire is one LOOONG baby! She has so many cute clothes in these sizes, I will be so so sad when she out grows them. I also don’t have very many outfits in the next size up.


So far Claire has been in perfect health and that is something we are so grateful for. Over Christmas I came down with a little cold and I was so careful to not to give it to Claire. At 6 weeks we did take her in to the doctor because she was extremely fussy. We had several nights where from the hours of 10-2 Claire would just scream and scream. It was so hard! It seemed more intense then her normal cry so I thought something more might be wrong. We took her into the pediatrician and he prescribed her some medicine for reflux. He also told us to get probiotics. He assured us that colic peaks at 6 weeks and that it would pass. We found that after a few weeks of using the probiotics and medicine that Claire stopped the crazy screaming at night and seemed more at ease. It was a huge relief to finally get some sleep. Since that 6th week things have been a lot better in terms of her temperament. 

During her second month Claire also got her vaccinations. It was honestly such a traumatic experience for both of us. I had been dreading it for weeks. It was so sad to be standing over Claire holding her arms down just looking up to me so helpless and then experiencing pain! It made me so sad to watch her go through that. I may have shed a quiet little tear or two! :(


At 5 weeks Claire started to get her arms stuck in the sides of her bassinet so we decided it was time to move her into her own room. We have an awesome video baby monitor which was really helpful for my peace of mind because I could leave it on right next to my bed and see her at all times. 


Right now Claire is exclusively breastfeeding and eating like a champ! She has never tried anything different and has never taken a bottle... yet! It is my goal that sometime in the next week or so to try pumping and getting little Claire to take a bottle from Brady. She is and always has been so good at latching and overall is just a great little eater. She typically goes 2.5 - 3 hours during the day and if we are lucky we sometimes get a little bit longer of a stretch at night. The first two weeks she was "cluster feeding" from 11:00 at night until about 2:00 am. Luckily I think we have that under control!

Claire’s Likes: 

  • Recently Claire has discovered a love for the blinds. 
  • Loves being held
  • Loves her carseat
  • Loves playing with her aunts and uncles
  • Loves sucking her thumb.
  • Playing with her dada

Claire’s Dislikes:
  • Taking her medicine
  • Being cold
  • Changing her clothes or diapers
  • Sleeping at night. (hahahaha)



Christmas Card 2016

Not too excited about getting back in her carseat!

Davies Family Christmas Party

Christmas Morning
Christmas morning with Townsend's!

Christmas Eve Tutu
Christmas at the Cabin!

Happy New Year! 

Jazz game with the fam on New Years Eve

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