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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Month Five

Month Five
 Muffin, Clairece, Clairenabumba, Clairbunmba, Pumpkin Pie, Cyaire, Claire Bears. 

Diaper Size: 
We are wearing size two diapers and have had far less blowouts ever since we made the switch!

 Clothes Size: 
3-6 months 


Claire has been so healthy! We feel so lucky! She has yet to get sick and is usually just a very happy smily baby! She is rolling from her tummy to her back quite often, she loves smiling and laughing and grabbing at her toys! 

Sleep seems to be getting a little better but we are still up a couple times a night to put her binky back in or to rock her for a few minutes. Hopefully things will continue to get better and better.  Claire is still waking up about 3 times every night. Usually I will just nurse her for a couple minutes and she will fall back asleep and go down pretty easy.

Right now Claire is still breastfeeding half the time and taking a bottle the other half. She drinks about 6ish ounces every 3ish hours!

 Things I don't want to forget: 


Cousin Time: 

There are three cousins all the same age! Katie's daughter Grace was born on October 14th, Claire was born Halloween and then Jenny's cute little Ellie was born on New Years Day! It's funny because Ellie and Grace are my first cousins and then Claire is second cousins with both of them. I know they will be the best of buddies all growing up! 

Playing with Grandpa Matt: 

First Pony Tail: 

Claire's hair is just a funny situation all around. She was born with lots of really dark hair. It has since lightened up quite a bit but it just grows like a weed but only on the top. She has a nice bald patch in the back and the rest of her hair just does whatever it wants. She has one really big cowlick in the front and we are worried for what that little guy might have in store for her in the future. She has two REALLY long hairs on the sides of her head by her ears that we affectionately call her Smeagol hairs. If you look really close in this picture on the right side of her head, you will see one of these Smeagol hairs sticking straight up in the air.  


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